How The Fight Began

I have always felt like something in the universe has been playing around with my emotional and physical form every since I was a child. I was always the chubby kid, and would fight tooth and nail to try to loose the extra pounds. Then when it seemed like I was winning that game when I turned 18, I had lost too much weight to fast, and ended up with pancreatitis. Soon to follow I had to have my gallbladder removed. If that wasn't enough I had to throw in horrible menstrual cycles, which started me on hormonal pills. Finally I excepted my weight, I just wanted to feel healthy. I did my research on healthy foods, and slowly started incorporating more healthy foods, along with exercise. Then I got amazing news after I turned 30 that I was going to have a baby. But the pregnancy left me sick for eight months, with high blood pressure. Then when the baby was ready to come, she decided to flip and be a breach baby, and ended up with a c-section. Seven years later I contracted the shingle virus on my face. For Pete's sake, why my face! It was like the universe threw a snow ball at me to let me know the game wasn't over yet. I fought for a year to get back to normal from that, just to end up fighting horrible menstrual problems again, which by the time I turned 41 sent me into surgery for the removal of an ovary and both my tubes, along with an extra surgery to remove scar tissue around my intestines from the gallbladder surgery many years before. But of course the universe didn't want this little game to be over, so I ended up with worse menstrual problems, and had the choice for another surgery to remove my uterus or get an IUD placed. I chose the less invasive and went with the IUD. But it wasn't really an easy walk in the park. A year later and I still feel all over the board with female pains. Granted my heavy clotting cycles are now drastically changed for the better. But I can't say my body is hormonally happy. Just a month ago I went in to remove a cervical polyp that was causing me issues, but learned what what they took out wastn'a polyp, so I am scheduled in a few moths to do another sonogram to see if whatever they took out is still there, if so they would like to put me out and remove whatever it is again. All while I dealt with this information, I fought a sinus infection. But of course a simple round of antibiotics for the sinus infection wouldn't end this game of health. A few days after antibiotics, I began with horrible digestion problems, and found out I contracted c-diff.

I am currently off the antibiotics for the c-diff infection, and hold my breath everyday that I don't get a reinfection. Only time will tell if that happens. But in my search for how to naturally treat c-diff, I have opened up my mind to the idea that the troubles I have today, may also have been what played a roll in my health from my childhood a long 32 years ago!

With my research, my mind has been opened up with the idea that maybe part of my problems is what is alive inside me. The majority of what effects our health comes down to what we carry in our guts. Those tiny little microscopic bacteria that live in our intestines. I know that is why I ended up with c-diff. If you kill out too much good bacteria, the invasive bad guys will win. Being only four days out of treating c-diff, I have learned it is a game of if I can get enough good bacteria back to keep the bad guys away. And if this holds true, I am sure all the antibiotics I received as a child drastically harmed my good gut bacteria also. I worry about if I have completely killed off an entire strain of good guys with the antibiotic use or if I did so in the past. What if I will never or have never found the same strain to add back to repopulate? I feel I may be going through life with inadequate soldiers guarding my health! Could this be why I keep drawing the short end of the stick when it comes to health problems?

Good bacteria is found in mother nature, and to mother nature I will go to see if I can find a solution to my health. Come along with me as I begin playing with mother nature to find a natural solution to taking back my health. I am sure the humor of the universe will find a way to make the game more interesting. But as of now, the game is on!
